It was Kirana Larasati, a model that began debut him in the world of the film supportively the film of "Itu Kan Cinta" that was presented in Indosiar. "I played as Olga," said Kirana that claimed a proud role the reason in his first emergence at once pitted acting with several senior stars. Among them, Sahrul Gunawan, Bertrand Antolin, Fera Feriska and still many others. In fact previously he once mengidolakan Bertrand, "Waktu Itu I still the JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, "ngefans" really was the same Bertrand."
Really not and now could play together with him, he said blushed. Anyone else the other idol? Spontaneously he stated the name of the star serial Friends, "David Schwimmer, also Julia Stilles, Ryan Phillipe, and Kirsten Dunst!" He exclaimed. Right, his intention that the local artist? Kirana shook his head, "Like then, but not until mengidolakan," argued the Jakarta birth girl, this August 29 1987. Kirana that still was sitting in the III SMUN class bench 26 Tebet, Jakarta Timur, this claimed not deliberate entered to the world of acting.
And Now played as "Azizah" sinetron, can see her acting on SCTV